Uniting minds,
improving lives

The Transforming Autism Care Consortium (TACC) connects and mobilizes research strengths in Québec to improve quality of life for autistic individuals and people with neurodevelopmental conditions.

Connecting research

Over 100 researchers from universities and research centres across Québec spanning multiple disciplines

Training the next generation

Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, training to become the next generation of leaders in neurodevelopment

Partnering across sectors

Partners, including professionals and individuals with living and lived experience, working together to make a difference

Impact stories

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  • Impact story
  • Media coverage
  • Workshop

“When we work together, it’s so stimulating to be able to produce research that has rapid impact, and we see the effects in the community.”

Isabelle Courcy, on community-partnered research
TACC Regular (Research) Member, and
Associate Professor, Université de Montréal